Welcome to Cypress Waters!

We have over 4,500 residents and 17,000 office tenants that we can share your content, news & specials with. Below is a list of the marketing items available to you.

If you have a marketing question or idea that is not listed here, please reach out to our marketing contact Carey Morgan at


Office Lobby Digital Screens

  • Please supply a high resolution jpeg set up to

  • 1080 pixels wide x 1920 pixels high

  • Please note the screens are vertical, not horizontal like most TVs.

  • Try to keep the copy to a minimum as each poster is only shown for about 8-10 seconds at a time. (Ideally 20 words or less)

Weekly Email Newsletter

Social Media

Click here to upload high-resolution photos and/or video for social media. There is no guarantee that we will share your content. Sharing is subject to marketing approval.

Follow us and tag us on any social media posts.

635 Retailers - tag @cypresswatersdfw to alert us that you have a special and we can repost your content to our pages.

The Sound Retailers can tag @thesoundtx.

Lobby Events

Retailers can host an event in our office lobbies. You may set up a table during high traffic times (at lunch or before & after work) to pass out samples, brochures and coupons.

Cypress Waters also hosts many tenant and resident events. If you would like to set up a table, hand out coupons or donate food & beverage samples at the event, please reach out to our property management team at


There are many sponsorship opportunities at The Sound, from sponsoring the Wi-Fi to hosting an event or sponsoring a concert series.

For details, reach out to Marci Parrish at

Billingsley Perks - Resident Discount Program

  • Build long-term customer loyalty by offering exclusive discounts to over 6,000 apartment residents living at our communities across DFW.

  • Each of our residents will receive a Billingsley Collection Card, which includes a QR code.

  • When scanned, the QR code links residents to a landing page showcasing all the discounts at participating retailers and restaurants, including yours!

  • Your participation will require your offer of some discount or perk exclusive to our residents.

  • The discount can be as small as offering a free drink with meal purchase or a percentage off of a sale. The goal is to build customer loyalty and encourage repeat visits to your storefront!

  • Discounts are updated quarterly, ensuring your offer can drive consistent traffic without frequent changes. (March 31, June 30, August 31, December 31)

  • Your discount can go longer (i.e. all year), but no shorter than 1 full quarter

Olympus Digital Sign

Select retailers can appear on our digital sign located at the corner of Olympus & Belt Line Rd.

  • Supply us with 5040x2520 (5040 wide x 2520 high) jpeg

  • Please note this sign is horizontal, not vertical.

  • Signs are rotated weekly & there is no guarantee that your content will be displayed.

  • Not all retailer content will be displayed on the sign and is subject to approval by the Billingsley marketing team.

Graphic Templates

For your convenience, our graphic designers have setup templates in Canva that allow you to easily create your own graphics!

  • Create a free account on

  • Click a link below to choose the graphic size you need.

  • Choose one design (there are several styles for each size to choose from).

  • Replace the logo with your logo and the photos with your own imagery.

  • Use the text space provided and replace with your own copy.

  • Note: fonts and colors are approved Sound colors and cannot be changed - only photos & text are editable.

  • Click “Share” in the upper right corner and you can either share the link or download a jpeg and upload it to our portal.